All works on this website and shared with other sites are copyrighted to MARGARET GOSDEN, the artist. For permission to reproduce any artwork and/or content, please contact the artist.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Cassandra Editions 1978 Published by Academy Press Limited

This is a critical memoir that can still be found in used book stores.  This is not about the private life of Virginia Woolf, although it is autobiographical from Woolf's point of view.  It is about Woolf's intentions and effects, about the inner lives of her characters that concern Holtby.  As a common reader, I found Holtby's overview of how and why Woolf needed to change the structure of the novel when she did, not only an exciting notion, but one that had appealed to my own desire to experiment with the traditional matrix  shape, as a printmaker, back in the 60s - long before I knew much about Virginia Woolf.   For those interested in the creative process and development of this novelist's experimental methods, this one is a very good read.    


  1. I have still to start this but will within the next few days and will get back to you...

  2. Whenever I see portraits of VW I realise she had a very unusual face! I wonder what she would look like as a modern woman. I often wonder this with characters from history. Henry V111 for instance! Winifred Holtby is a name I know but I don't know why as I don't think I've ever read anything of hers.
    I like your blog list set-up. It's probably a lot better than my old http's.

  3. I haven't come across this book but it sounds good, and I love the typeface! Very striking!

  4. Hi Rinkly - if you are referring to the LinkWithin idea, I have Elizabeth to thank for that idea. I had thought your http's a good space saving idea and welcomed the convenience of the reminder of past posts I liked.

    And Hi Flo - so glad to find another Woolfian (I checked out your blog) and will add you to blogs I follow. I am interested in reading about the trip to Greece you mention.
